For Investigators - Reduce caseloads, conclude cases promptly, and reduce the associated violence
Service Description
Our newest course takes all the learning from our Expert Witness courses and shares it with our investigators. It is for any staff member who is investigating drug supply, be that a warranted officer of member of police staff. Only when you understand how a crime is committed can you properly and effectively investigate it. This provides students with advanced insights into how the drug industry works and how to identify relevant evidence and present it in its strongest light to ensure: - Appropriate charging (supply offences NOT possession only) - Reduced RUIs and increased charge and remand - Early guilty pleas - Increase staff knowledge and capability Reduce officer caseloads, conclude cases promptly, reduce the associated violence and provide offenders with the opportunity to consider their actions and reform. Course content: - History of Drug Use - U.K. Common Drugs of Abuse - U.K. Drug Markets - How Drugs are Sold - Common Defences - Drug Paraphernalia - Communications - Dealer lists/notes/ledgers - The ‘County Lines’ Model of Drug Supply - Urban Street Gangs - Organised Crime Groups – including Operation Venetic - Methodologies - Transport - Slang and coded communications - Bulking and Re-pressing - Professional Vehicle Concealments - Weapons & Violence including 'Ghost Guns' Featuring guest speakers* - Former Advanced UCO - Former drug dealer and international cocaine smuggler - Leading CCE, NRM and Modern Slavery SME - International Firearms Expert What the students say: "This is a brilliant course. The knowledge, experience and professional competence of the trainers made the course very enjoyable and captivating. Excellent use of guest speakers and real life examples of cases made everything relatable to our day to day work. Thank you for putting together a fantastic course for us. This should be delivered to our covert syndicates as well." "You created a great learning environment and passed on amazing insights into the drug dealing world. Superb guest speakers. I wish I had this training years ago as it would have made such an improvement to my ability to investigate. One of the best courses I've been on. Subject knowledge was incredible with lots of experience. "