CPD for Drug Experts – COUNTY LINES
4 Day Course for existing Drug Experts who wish to comment upon cases concerning County Lines Supply
Service Description
This course is for existing Drug Experts who wish to comment upon cases concerning the supply of drugs through the County Lines model of supply. A comprehensive overview that brings delegates right up to date with current trends, national and regional developments as well as slang terminology. This CPD offers unique insights into the use of children, young people and the vulnerable within this supply model and challenges and provokes fascinating debate to give a rounded, more considered overview. Including comprehensive instruction into the CSAS ‘County Lines’ pivot function – this training equips experts with essential knowledge and knowhow. Areas taught include: - Expert Witness Roles & Responsibilities recap - Expert C.V. - County Lines a history - The scale - Commodities on the line - The customer base - The ‘players’ - The ‘line’ - Transportation - Premises - Understanding CSAS - Courtroom Skills - Defence Experts and Joint Meetings - PLUS - Guest Speaker – SPACE a CCE, NRM, Modern Slavery, SME All areas are tested through a practical exercise – students prepare a County Lines Expert Report on Day 3 and are cross examined on Day 4. Every student is provided with constructive feedback. What the students say: "The whole course was structured in a way that really helped me understand the subject further. Both guest speakers were fascinating to listen to and gave a real insight into the topics discussed." "Vast knowledge and relevant practical experience of subject matter by both course hosts is second to none. Relaxed atmosphere with top class, very knowledgeable and experienced instructors" "Two very knowledgeable experts that made me feel confident even if I was unsure of my own skills. Enjoyed hearing their experiences. Learnt more on this course than I did on my initial drug expert witness course. I wish I'd had the opportunity to take part in their initial course. Very well pitched and really, really enjoyed it with their knowledge and experience." Detective Sergeant from the Specialist Crime Command, Met Police said, “Thanks for a great course. With over 20 years of drugs investigations behind me and almost a decade of giving expert witness evidence, it shows you are always learning. This course addressed all aspects of the county line drugs model, not just from a law enforcement point of view, but also from the point of exploitation...."